What's up Wednesday

It's been a while since I talked about what I'm doing...
The bottom line is ALMOST NOTHING! Ugh.

I had a friend mention to me that my life was in limbo. I never thought that state of existence could be so prohibitive of writing. I'm at this point right now where my brain will not settle. I want information and action... NOW!  But I won't get it and in its stead, I'm stalking my Facebook newsfeed and, consequently, ignoring the things that will actually HELP. Like packing for our trip in July or making lists for the stuff I have to pack, the house work, the laundry... you get the idea. :D :D

I wish I could use this energy to finish edits on Spring Leave, which BTW, was requested by The Wild Rose Press for their sweetheart line. I...just have to get rid of some of the swearing. *blush* Well, come on!!! Swearing is one of my weaknesses. It's not a far stretch that my characters might do a bit of swearing during stressful times. Of course, if they like this and want it, then I would have to sweeten up a couple of other stories I've written that are part of the series: Dark Summer and Winter Craze.

That's the only thing I don't like [as a writer] about series. The necessity to maintain book type... OTOH, I love it [as a reader] because I like knowing what I'm getting.

So, that's what's up with me...
I'm slowly working through an edit/revision. I'm getting ready to visit my husband again. I'm looking to the future and "the big move" when we are finally stationed somewhere... CAN NOT WAIT! Maybe then, I'll feel a bit settled. For now, I just need someone to tell me how to focus my thoughts on writing.

CHOCOLATE? Please tell me chocolate helps!