Happy 2018



Do you ever feel like all you do is spend your time waiting? Waiting for the big break. Waiting for a loved one to come home. Waiting for the coffee to brew! 

Even my characters are waiting--for love, for happily-ever-after, for revenge, for justice. 

And it occurred to me, the story isn't about what happens at the end of the wait. 

No. It's what a person or character does while they are waiting. As an Army wife, I feel this strongly, especially as 2018 starts. We had two moves in two years in a row, and this will be the first year we don't move since 2015. And that's an awesome thing! But it's also means...I'm waiting.


This hasn't been my most favorite place to live so far and that means I'm subconsciously looking forward to what's to come. Where will we go next? When? It's human nature. It's survival. But, I think it's time for me to really embrace a new routine, here. I don't have to love it here to love the people I'm with, to enjoy the good days, and invest my time in the worthwhile causes around me. 

It's time to find a niche. And you know what??


That's being a mom. It's being a writer of my books. It's being a friend to the women I work with and share bible study with and laugh with...and even cry with. It means going above and beyond. It means writing a ton. It means going to the extra-curricular activities--the plays and sporting events and doctors appointments [without complaint]. It means learning something new and maybe visiting that one museum I still haven't made it to.

I'm not going anywhere for the next year...

So watch me fly!!

With Love,


New Year--Blog Hop

It's the Last and First round of Just Romance Me Blog Hops! I love how that works... a nice circle in time. The blog keeps going, don't forget to click the link to visit the next blog in line. Life surely doesn't end on 12/31 nor does it really start on 1/1. We just get to keep going...

I'm ending my year thinking, where am I going?
After doing the same thing for the last two years, part of me wants to start the new year differently...

New Genre?
New Publisher?
New schedule?
Maybe an agent?

I've thought I wasn't very goal oriented, but maybe it's not that exactly, maybe it's just that I need new goals. Instead of the usual write three books, sub to this company, sub to that company, write a novella, and do two crits a week--all fine and good--I want my end of year to reflect what I'm doing during the year. 2014 didn't really do that for me.

So, on to 2015...
Tomorrow I'm doing a drawing for all my Newletter subscribers. One copy of Letters From Home, my Christmas story, and a ten dollar Amazon Gift card. So find that little subscription form in the sidebar and sign up. :D <3 It's going to be a great year. Why not start it with a great book?

Letters From Home

An Army doctor, Lena Rodriguez has always been too busy with school or the Army for romance. But the letters she received during deployment have captured her heart. Back home for the holidays, she awaits Christmas morning to meet the man who has turned her life upside down.

When Zack Benson watched his best friend's sister Lena leave for Afghanistan, he knew he had to tell her he loved her. So he sent her anonymous love letters. Now that she’s home, he realizes he's made a tactical error. Lena has fallen for the man in those letters but still thinks of him as a brother. He has to convince her otherwise because if he succeeds, he’ll get the best Christmas present ever. But if he fails, he could lose her for good.


Now the weekend was upon them. Another tradition checked off. Another day closer to Christmas. She’d always loved the winter carnival, so it had been easy to agree when he’d suggested it. He’d made it clear this was a date. There was no way in heaven or hell she could pretend he didn’t mean a real one this time. Two people, holding hands, eating cotton candy…riding the Ferris Wheel.
“I’m so embarrassed, though.” Lena pulled her jacket closer to her body as the night air took another dive toward freezing.
“Why?” Zack took her hand and pulled her toward the line for the Ferris Wheel.
“My mother is match-making.” She’d been horrified speechless at the realization. “I feel like I should apologize.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“Of course not. You’re the one who kissed me.”
He shrugged. “Not going to apologize for that, either. Besides, you kissed me back.”
He made her heart pound and her head forget all about the letters. And she wanted to kiss him again, too. Now that she’d had a chance to get used to the idea, she wanted to do a lot more than kiss him. But she’d known him for so long. He was like a brother. A really good-looking, muscley—she shook her head to banish the thought and cleared her throat. Not going to go there.
“I have three years left of my commitment, Zack.” Lena got in line behind another couple then turned to him. “How the heck am I supposed to start a relationship now?”
He lifted a brow. “Are you serious? Isn’t that what you plan on doing with letter guy?”
Heat rose on her cheeks. “Oh, well. That’s different.”
“Because we already have a relationship going.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes, we do!”
She opened her mouth to answer, but just as quickly he grabbed her, circled her neck with his arm, and covered her mouth with his hand. She couldn’t help grinning. All the combatives training she’d done over the years weren’t going to help her against Zack, who’d had the same training, was twice her size, and at least eight inches taller.
Instead of fighting, she put an arm around his waist and tucked her hand into his pocket. She really liked the feel of him at her side. He slowly lowered his hand from her mouth, but his arm stayed at her shoulder. She leaned her head against his chest and soaked in the joyful atmosphere as the crowds slowly dwindled and the night grew dark. Yeah, she could get used to this.

Nothing to talk about

The real truth is that I have nothing to talk about.
With two kids back in school this week, and two more doing "project week," a week in which they work at home putting together a research project, I have most of my kids home at this point. Even though the two older ones are definitely deep into studies--they have to do 30 hours--I feel as if Christmas break is never going to be over.

I'm on the cusp of the New Year...still. It's a weird feeling. I've hesitated starting anything new. I'm waiting...which is THE DEMISE of forward movement. LOL :D Ack.

How about you?
Did you week and new year start with a bang? Or are you hanging back as well?

For all my inspiration, I wait on The Manager's Diary. I know...how original of me. :D
Check it out, though. The Manager's Diary. And LIKE it. You might find a few reasons to keep working.


How does the New Year look from the rear?
It looks a little FAT.
Like it needs some discipline and maybe a good run or two.
It looks like it needs to cut out carbohydrates!

Still, the year is anxious to get started.
It has big plans. And I just hope I can keep up.

Overall, I have five manuscripts to write this year and at least two or three more that I'll be editing and revising and subbing to publishers. I plan to stay very busy...and happy, too. I love writing!

This will be the first year in two years where I don't have to move. No grand plans, no change in career, no roller coaster. I'm sitting up, leaning forward into the New Year, and hoping for success. I hope you'll stick with me and stop in for a visit every now and again.

God Bless 2013!
With Love,


Nothing like starting the new year practicing writing the date by paying bills!! Hahaha.
An uneventful start to the New Year but a good one nonetheless.
With family around, including g-parents and aunts and uncles, I went to bed at 10:30. :D

My husband starts his next round of training tomorrow at the Armor School.
And before the end of January, we'll have orders for our next Duty Station.
I'm working hard to curb my enthusiasm. Don't want to jinx anything. But I am excited.

This year... One Day at a Time.
With Love,