To all our Veterans


Walter Edwin Seale
Joseph Seale
Walter Edwin Seale Jr.
William Sinram "Uncle Billy"
Edward John Strasser, Jr. "Jack"
Joseph Strasser
Edward John Strasser III
Susan Strasser
Greg Jiminez
Matt Strasser

....and any other family members I don't know about.
To all veterans who put their lives on the line so I can live freely, practicing my Faith and raising my kids to appreciate life and liberty....

For all the small things I'm thankful for that wouldn't be available to me without the veterans of our US Military:

coffee and donuts on Sunday morning
travel from country to country, state to state
a roof over my head
bountiful food on my table
internet access with no limitations
ability to profit and save
freedom to give and serve
right to protect

This Day in History

Grant at Vicksburg

May 19, 1863


On May 19, 1863, General Ulysses S. Grant attempted to take the Confederate stronghold at Vicksburg, Mississippi. After making a daring run past Confederate batteries, Union naval forces joined troops several miles down river. Working together, they detained Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston in Jackson, preventing him from assisting General John C. Pemberton at Vicksburg.

A major turning point in the Civil War, Grant's victory returned control of the Mississippi River to the Union and geographically divided the Confederacy. Coming just a day after Northern triumph at Gettysburg, the capture of Vicksburg restored faith in Union victory and dispirited the South.

To me, this is another great story of Southern will. In spite of disappearing food supplies, people survived the seige... and they did it in good humor, too. They never wavered in their mission continuing to fight for the cause for two more years.


Cedar Grove was the home of Alexander Klein. He lived there with his bride, Elizabeth Bartley Klein. During the war, the estate was used as a Union Hospital, one of the main reasons it still stands today. There is a cannonball lodged in the wall of the parlor. :D

This Day in History

1940 - Glenn Miller records "Pennsylvania 6-5000"

I love this because it proves that even amidst war and sadness, humanity, kindness and joy prevail.
My gosh! It's toe-tapping enthusiasm. I can imagine Glenn directing the orchestra, "No. Stand up and shout! I want every last creature -- including that fly on the wall way in the back -- to hear you above the saxes and trumpets. Now, again, with me, Pennsylvania 6-5000!" He'd punctuate with his baton and then laugh when they did it the way he wanted.
And people would dance.
It was a different time, perhaps not better and maybe not worse...
But certainly enchanting.